Boxelder Bug

Boxelder bugs(Boisea trivittatus, Family Rhopalidae, scentless plant bugs) are common insects from mid-summer through fall, and sometimes in spring. The gray and red adults are about ½ inch long. Nymphs (immatures) are bright red with darker heads and look like the adults, but without developed wings. They tend to be most abundant after summers when […]


How to Deal with Japanese Beetles

Managing Japanese Beetle Adults & Grubs While Minimizing Impacts on Pollinators Established in Wisconsin in the 1990s, the Japanese beetle (Popillia japonica) is a voracious defoliator of many landscape and garden plants. Roses, birches, lindens, grapes, raspberries, Norway maples, beans, apples, plums, crabapples, elms, beech, asparagus, and rhubarb are some of its favorite plant species. Typically, Japanese […]


Asian Giant Hornets, or a look-alike?

Lately, we are getting many questions, and submissions of insects suspected to be Asian Giant Hornets for identification by our our Agriculture Educator, Kaitlyn Davis. Most of these submissions have been the Cicada Killer Wasp. Click for more information!


La Crosse Area Beekeepers Regional Conference

The La Crosse Area Beekeepers Regional Conference is on March 14th, 2020 from 8am – 4pm. Speakers will touch on the basics of beekeeping, honey bee diseases, honey bee dances, varroa mites, making it through winter, native plants and pollinators, and honey bee research at the University of Minnesota. Registration information coming soon.


Japanese Beetles and Other Pests Update

We are already over the halfway point of summer, and it is hard to believe how fast time flies! Pests and diseases come along with summer, and you may be noticing that some of them have gone away while others are just now coming out. A few pests to keep an eye out for include […]