Be Ready to Reduce Heat Stress in Cattle this Summer

Be Ready to Reduce Heat Stress in Cattle this Summer There is no question that heat stress can negatively impact animal performance.  Heat stress reduces milk production and has a negative impact on reproduction in dairy cattle.  Dairy cattle will also show heat stress at slightly lower temperatures than beef cattle will.  For feedlot cattle […]


January 2021 Badger Dairy Insight Series

Featuring your local Extension Dairy Program Educators, and UW Specialists, as they present on current dairy topics. Take the opportunity to learn from and discuss with experts on the dates below. We hope to see you at one of our January programs!


Heart Of The Farm – Coffee Chats Series

University of Wisconsin-Madison Division of Extension, Heart of the Farm-Women in Agriculture will be hosting it’s 3rd Coffee Chat, January 11th, 2021 from 10:00– 11:00 a.m. The online Heart of the Farm Coffee Chats run on the 2nd Monday of the month through March 2021, 10:00 – 11:00 a.m.