Dog Project Page |
Cloverbud Project Page |
Eco-Wilderness Group |
Goat Project Page |
Horse Project Page |
Livestock Project Page |
Small Animal Projects Page |
Shooting Sports Project Page |
(Some Projects are so large and popular within La Crosse County 4-H that they have their own Project Pages – click the links above to visit that specific Project’s webpage!)
What are Projects?

Close up picture white and brown cow with pink nose.
- Areas of interest to youth that they wish to explore, learn about, and focus on throughout the 4-H year
- A learning experience in a particular subject involving all or parts of research, community service/volunteering, leadership, and exhibition of work
How do I sign up for a Project?
- First, youth must decide how many projects they want to participate in for the year. There is NO LIMIT to how many projects youth can sign up for in a year.
- For 1st year 4-Hers, we recommend youth only choose 1-3 projects to focus on.
- Next, look through the annual 2024-2025 Project Guide to pick out the Projects youth want to focus on and sign up for during this year. This Guide has every possible Project open to La Crosse County 4-H Youth.
- If youth want to exhibit something specific for Fair during the summer, they need to make sure they are enrolled in that Project by the enrollment deadline each spring in 4HOnline. Visit the Enrollment (4HOnline) Page to learn more!
- After picking out the Projects youth want to do in the 2024-2025 Project Guide, they are ready to sign up for them in 4HOnline. Click here for Adding or Changing a Project in 4HOnline.
- You’re done! If your Project(s) are visible in your 4HOnline profile, youth are officially enrolled in those projects.
- Some projects like the Horse Project have additional enrollment requirements, so you’ll want to check out those specific Project sites at the top of this page if any of those apply to your youth.
What are the rules for signing up for Projects?
- Youth cannot sign up for both Horse and Horseless Horse Projects at the same time.
- If youth have a horse and plan to exhibit that animal, they should sign up for Horse. If a youth wants to learn about horses but does not have a horse or plan to exhibit one, they should sign up for Horseless Horse.
- Horseless Horse members are still considered part of “The Horse Project” and thus are eligible to participate in any and all Project opportunities as listed on the Horse Project Page.
- Youth in grades K-2 can only sign up for the Cloverbud Project. We offer a monthly newsletter emailed to families with Cloverbuds that give them a taste of common 4-H project. Check out Cloverbuddies to learn more!
- Youth in grades 3-4 can sign up for the Exploring Project in addition to any other Projects.
- The perk of being in the Exploring Project is it gives these youth the opportunity for a face-to-face judging during Fair (like Cloverbuds) and also gives them more of a transition from Cloverbuds to “big kid” projects. If your youth does not need this transition, feel free to skip enrolling in Exploring. It is completely optional and should be considered on a case-by-case basis.
- Youth outside grades 3-4 cannot enroll in the Exploring Project.

Example Literature Cover: Project Butterfly Wings. Cover is yellow and includes graphic of a butterfly, with different photos of butterflies in each section of the wings.
What is Project Literature?
- Using Project Literature is completely optional. The Literature is merely provided as a resource.
- Activity books and resources provided by the 4-H Leaders Board to aid a member’s learning and journey through a project for the year
- Can be used as background knowledge to start a project, a guide to stay on track, or a resource at the end of the year to complete a Record Book
- Each actively enrolled 4-H youth is eligible for 5 FREE pieces of project literature per year! Additional titles are available for purchase or are free to view online.
- Ordering Project Literature through 4HOnline DOES NOT WORK! To request literature, please visit the online Google Request Form.
- A full list of all available literature titles and what projects they are associated with can be found in the annual Project Guide.
Helpful Links for Specific Projects:
- BEEF, DAIRY, GOATS, POULTRY, RABBITS, SHEEP, & SWINE: Youth for the Quality Care of Animals (YQCA) Fact Sheet
- For County Fair, YQCA is required for Swine project if participating in the livestock auction.
- For State Fair, YQCA is required for Beef, Dairy, Goat, Poultry, Rabbit, Sheep, Swine projects
- YQCA Login Page to register for face-to-face sessions & to take online version of sessions