Heart Of the Farm Fall/Winter Coffee Chats

Extension’s Heart of the Farm-Women in Agriculture program will start it’s statewide online ‘Coffee Chat’ Fall/Winter program on Monday Nov. 9, 2020 at 10 a.m. ‘Coffee Chats’ will be held on the 2nd Monday of each month (10 a.m. – 11 a.m.) through March 2021.

Picture of lilacs

What’s going on with the lilacs?

August 11, 2020 Contact: Bill Halfman, UW Extension Agriculture Agent Phone: 608-269-8722 What is Going on with the Lilacs?? In most years, lilacs tend to be relatively disease free. When sited properly (in full sun) and pruned/thinned regularly, they reliably produce a bounty of beautiful blooms each spring in a myriad of colors.  And oh that […]


Agri-View Next Generation of Agriculture In Photos

Agri-View is featuring the Next Generation of Agriculture in photos. Seniors who graduated in 2020 are our priority but they will feature photos of anyone still in school or having just graduated from school who is involved in the agricultural industry.


Tomato Late Blight

Are you experiencing Late Blight in your Tomatoes? Here are some excellent resources put together by UW-Madison Division of Extension experts.