COVID-19 Event Cancellations

Extension La Crosse County is committed to keeping those we serve safe and healthy. In order to keep this commitment, at the directive of UW-Madison Chancellor, Rebecca Blank, all UW Madison events of 50 or more people, including the Division of Extension (including all WI 4-H programs) are cancelled effective immediately (Thursday, March 12, 2020), due to COVID-19, also known as the Corona virus. The health and safety of our participants, presenters, volunteers, and community is our most important priority.  Please keep an eye out for any event cancellations that you may have registered for. 


Garden Toolbox Series – Let’s Get Dirty

Extension La Crosse County is happy to be partnering with La Crosse Area Family YMCA, Western Technical College, and People’s Food Co-op to bring the Garden Toolbox Series to the La Crosse Area! The first session of the Garden Toolbox Series; Let’s Get Dirty (understanding your soil and fertilizer), is on Tuesday, February 25th!


La Crosse Area Beekeepers Regional Conference

The La Crosse Area Beekeepers Regional Conference is on March 14th, 2020 from 8am – 4pm. Speakers will touch on the basics of beekeeping, honey bee diseases, honey bee dances, varroa mites, making it through winter, native plants and pollinators, and honey bee research at the University of Minnesota. Registration information coming soon.


Beef Quality Assurance Training

Beef producers who sell fed cattle have received notification that some of the beef processors will begin requiring their cattle suppliers to be Beef Quality Assurance (BQA) certified soon. UW Extension will be conducting a live BQA certification workshop on February 4th at Scenic Bluffs Community Health Centers located at 238 Front Street, Cashton, WI.