Lawn and Garden Soil Sampling

Do your own Lawn & Garden Soil Sampling from home! In this post you will find Wisconsin Certified Soil & Manure Testing Laboratories who are still accepting soil samples along with general instructions on how to take a soil sample.


Garden Toolbox Series – Let’s Get Dirty

Extension La Crosse County is happy to be partnering with La Crosse Area Family YMCA, Western Technical College, and People’s Food Co-op to bring the Garden Toolbox Series to the La Crosse Area! The first session of the Garden Toolbox Series; Let’s Get Dirty (understanding your soil and fertilizer), is on Tuesday, February 25th!


Ragweed – A Quick Guide

For those with allergies and those who work in crop fields, ragweed is a very well-known pest. Two of the most common types we have in the area include Common and Giant Ragweed. In this report, I will discuss identifying the plant, ways to control it, and mention some research coming down the pipeline.


Crop Management Field Day 2019

Tuesday, August 20th is the Crop Management Field Day! Extension Agriculture Educators and UW Soil Scientists will be speaking, and you can bring samples of problems you’re having with crops for identification and management considerations.