Safe Zone trainings are opportunities to learn about LGBTQ+ identities, gender and sexuality, and examine prejudice, assumptions, and privilege. Safe Zone trainings also aim to create a visible network of support and allies by providing an avenue through which any member of our community can show their support. The program also extends a physical sense of space for LGBTQ+ individuals and their allies.

Heather Quackenboss, Human Development and Relationships Educator, now has the resources and experience to perform Safe Zone Training for you, your office, your company and more!
Why do people attend Safe Zone Trainings?
For a bunch of reasons!
One common one is that LGBTQ+ folks sometimes question whether they will feel safe, welcomed, or supported in a new environment. Displaying Safe Zone stickers and demonstrating you went to a training can communicate to others the commitment you’re making to creating LGBTQ-inclusive environments.
Another reason is for people to explore, for themselves, the concepts of sexuality and gender. This goes for people who are L, G, B, T, and/or Q, as well as people who aren’t (straight and/or cisgender people).
We don’t get a lot of space in society to talk about these things, and Safe Zone trainings unique and wonderful because they’re exactly that. A safe place to ask questions, to be vulnerable, and to learn.
There is a pressure to already know how to be LGBTQ+ inclusive. And while many of us want to be we don’t necessarily feel comfortable with the language, with our own level of understanding, and don’t know where to go to learn more. Safe Zone trainings are safe places for people can go to learn more, about their own gender/sexuality and deepen their understanding of LGBTQ+ identity and issues.
Coming Out Handout (PDF, one page)
LGBTQ Inclusive Do’s and Don’ts (PDF, one page)
LGBTQ Umbrella (PDF, one page)
If you would like to schedule a Safe Zone Training session, or if you have questions please call 608-785-9593 or email
If you want more resources about all things LGBTQ+, you can find them all here: