DON Considerations for Wheat Grown for Livestock Feed

What is DON? DON (deoxynivalenol or vomitoxin) is a mycotoxin produced by the fungus responsible for Fusarium Head Blight (FHB), a common and economically important disease in small grains. DON is a problem because it is toxic to humans and animals. Grain grown on-farm and fed to livestock should be managed properly to avoid negative […]


WIndicators Volume 7, Issue 1: Wisconsin Farming: Insights from the 2022 Census Of Agriculture

The most recent, the 2022 Census of Agriculture, aims to provide a detailed snapshot of the nation’s farming economy, including information on farm demographics, production practices, land use, and economic trends. The intent of this issue of WIndicator is to provide an overview of recent trends in Wisconsin farming using the Census of Agriculture. We pay particular attention to the changes since the last Census in 2017 to understand trends in key metrics for Wisconsin agriculture with some references to longer term trends (1997 to 2022).


Wisconsin Connecting Entrepreneurial Communities Conference – Special Track for Agri-Preneurship and Innovations in Ag!

Attention Small Ag Business Owners!! At the Connecting Entrepreneurial Communities Conference, there will be a whole track of sessions devoted to agri-preneurship and innovations in Ag!

The Innovations in Local Agri-Food Business Track includes:
– New Crops and New Farms: A Panel of Driftless Agri-preneurs
– The Agri-Tech Start-Up Scene in Wisconsin
– Challenges and Opportunities When Providing Business Assistance to Entrepreneurial Farmers
– Financial Resources for Agri-preneurs


Cereal rye cover crop, PRE emergence herbicide fate, and pigweed residual control: Considerations learned from a multi-state field study.

The adoption of cereal rye (Secale cereale) cover crop has triggered the interest of farmers as an additional tool for pigweed (waterhemp [Amaranthus tuberculatus] and Palmer amaranth [A. palmeri]) management in soybean production systems. Along with interest in this practice, there have been many questions about how cereal rye can impact other weed management practices, […]


Manure Applicator Training 2024

The Division of Extension UW-Madison is offering Manure Applicator Training 101 at several locations across Wisconsin. The Manure Applicator Training Program is open to farmers and custom manure applicators who apply their own manure or provide manure application services to farmers.


Pork Producers Annual Meeting!

Sunday, February 4th at the Log Cabin in Bangor WI! The meeting will be at 12:00pm followed by Dinner at 12:30pm. This meeting counts as an educational session for youth. There will also be door prizes as well as prize drawings. If you have any questions, please reach out to Mike Gilster at 608-780-1261.