
Crops and Soils Dairy Livestock

Calendar of Events


10 2 – 3pm FEED Webinar Series: How Can a Cooperative Business Structure Make Farmland More Accessible in Wisconsin?
11  9 – 10:15am Raising a Thinking Child
11 1 – 2:30pm Powerful Tools for Caregivers of Adults with Chronic Illness
11 6 – 7pm Focus on Fathers: Fathers Teach Kindness
11 6 – 7:15pm Raising a Thinking Child
11 6 – 8pm Grant Writing Basics
12 9 – 10am Wise Wisconsin Virtual Learning Series
12 12 – 2pm Grant Writing Basics
12 5:30 – 7:30pm TEAMs: Training and Education for Aspiring Managers
13 5:30 – 7:30pm Green Thumb Winter 2025: Cover Crops for the Garden
13 6 – 7:30pm Introduction to Plain Language
15  9 – 11:30am Rent Smart
17 1:30 – 2:30pm Ask Your Gardening Question: LIVE
17 6 – 9pm Parents Forever
18 9 – 10:15am Raising a Thinking Child
18  1 – 2:30pm Powerful Tools for Caregivers of Adults with Chronic Illness
18 5:30 – 7:30pm Parents Forever (Part 1 of 2)
18 6 – 7:15pm Raising a Thinking Child
19  1 – 3pm Introduction to Plain Language
19 5:30 – 7:30pm TEAMs: Training and Education for Aspiring Managers
20 1 – 2pm Raising Wisconsin’s Children: Learning Life Skills Through Household Chores
20 5:30 – 7:30pm Green Thumb Winter 2025: Succession Planting, Companion Planting, and Season Extension
20 5:30 – 7:30pm Parents Forever (Part 2 of 2)



9 – 11:30am Rent Smart
25 9 – 10:15am Raising a Thinking Child
25 1 – 2:30pm Powerful Tools for Caregivers of Adults with Chronic Illness
25 6 – 7:15pm Raising a Thinking Child
26  8am – 2pm Field & Veg ZOOM Training
26 5:30 – 7:30pm TEAMs: Training and Education for Aspiring Managers
27 5:30 – 7:30pm Green Thumb Winter 2025: Seed Saving, Harvesting, and Storage
29 9 – 11:30am Rent Smart

Do you have a Horticulture Question?

Looking for an expert to advise on your garden questions? Click here to fill out the Ask a Gardening Question Form.

Agriculture News and Announcements



Sam Bibby – Regional Crops Educator  
Extension La Crosse, Vernon, and Crawford County
212 6th Street N, Suite 2200 | La Crosse, WI 54601
Phone: (608) 785-9593 | Email:
Beth McIlquham – Regional Livestock Educator  
Extension La Crosse, Crawford, Richland & Vernon County
318 Fairland Dr. Suite 392 | Viroqua, WI 54665
Phone: (608) 632-0599 | Email:

If you have any questions regarding Agriculture or Horticulture in La Crosse County, please contact:
Extension La Crosse County
212 6th Street North – Suite 2200 | La Crosse, WI 54601-3355
Phone: 608-785-9593 | Fax: 608-789-4808