4HOnline is open for 2024-2025 enrollment! Click here to enroll.
The 4-H enrollment year begins annually on October 1st through September 30th. Youth must be enrolled and in active status by April 1st to be eligible for participation in competitive events (inc. Fair, Softball, Dog Show, etc.). Enrollment expires on August 31st, and must be re-enrolled each year starting in September. Enrollment is open for new families all year round for youth and adult volunteers.

You’ve probably heard the term “4HOnline” a lot when it comes to enrollment. 4HOnline is an online registration database that the State of Wisconsin and counties use to track 4-H youth members, volunteers, and families. Enrollment for the 4-H year is done in this online system. It is also where you will register for certain events you want to attend throughout the year.
No Computer? No problem!
If you do not have access to a computer or Internet at home, fear not! The UW-Extension office is happy to host you and provide you computer access for the purpose of enrolling/re-enrolling in 4HOnline. Just call the office at 608-785-9593 or email LaCrosseCounty4H@lacrossecounty.org at least 2 days in advance so 4-H staff can be ready to help you. In addition, local libraries offer free computer use to cardholders – a great alternative if you are unable to make it down to the office.
NEW THIS YEAR: The La Crosse County UW-Extension office has paper forms (available in English and Spanish) for you to fill out in lieu of using 4HOnline. If you would prefer to use these paper forms, just contact our office or stop by and we will get you as many as you need!
The 4HOnline system only allows 1 account per family. That account uses one person’s email address to log in as a family. Once you login, each member in your family will have an individual profile. These profiles can be updated and changed independently from one another as necessary. So, if you are a family that already has a login to 4HOnline, but want to add the newest member of your family, you DO NOT need to create another login, just another profile. You can make as many member profiles as you need under your family login.
Have multiple residences for the kids? We understand! There’s a way to get all the information, please reach out to the office and ask for assistance.
I Forgot My Password!
In 4HOnline families can NOW reset their own password. WHEW. No more waiting for someone to help!
How do I know what Projects to sign up for?
Visit the Projects Page to learn about what Projects to choose, how to enroll in them through your 4HOnline profile, and more!
Where do I sign up for Fair?
You don’t – not in 4HOnline, anyways. It is a common misconception since most registrations for 4-H are done through 4HOnline. However, fair entries are done through a different website, one that requires you to create a new login each summer to register. Your 4HOnline login will not work for the Fair registration site. These are two separate registrations. Fair exhibitors should visit the La Crosse Interstate Fair website in June to register for Fair.
“How-To” Instruction Sheets
- Family Enrollment Guide in 4HOnline
- Registering for an Event in 4HOnline
- Adding or Changing a Project in 4HOnline – currently under construction. If you can’t change projects, reach out to lacrossecounty4h@lacrossecounty.org