January 20, 2022
Contact: Bill Halfman, UW Extension Agriculture Agent
Phone: 608-269-8722
Beef Cow Calf Workshop slated for February 16th at Hillsboro
UW-Madison Division of Extension will host its Beef Cow Calf Workshop: Replacement Heifer Selection, Development and Calving Management at Beezer’s Bar and Grill Conference Room on February 16, 2022. The workshop focuses on selection and development of replacement heifers, management and care of calving heifers, and secure beef supply planning. One Wisconsin BQA Continuing Education Credit is provided for those currently BQA certified in Wisconsin when attending this workshop.
The workshop will begin at 6 p.m. with a meal sponsored by the Vernon County Cattlemen’s Association, with presentations starting at 7:00 p.m. and the workshop concluding at approximately 9:00 p.m.
For those who do not wish to attend in person they may join a live webinar presentation of the workshop on February 17th via zoom at 6:30 p.m. To register for the ZOOM presentation visit https://livestock.extension.wisc.edu/events/
Pre-registration is required, walk-ins not allowed. Social distancing and other COVID-related recommendations will be followed. Extension reserves the right to cancel due to low enrollment or location-specific issues. All pre-registered individuals will be notified if the event is canceled. You may call the location you plan to attend to verify the meeting status. RSVP by calling the Vernon County Extension Office at 608-637-5276 by Friday February 11th.