Agricultural & Horticultural Flooding Resources

In the past few days, we have received a substantial amount of rain that has caused flooding of roadways, fields, gardens, and homes. As we clean-up, and assess damage, it is important for producers to think about contamination of their produce and crops. Remember, with flood waters, it is more than washed away soil. The UW-Extension Agricultural Preparedness and Response team has information available on what to do if your garden or field has flooded. Everything from assessing flooded corn, soybeans, and forages to food safety for flooded farms. If you have any additional questions or are looking for more resources please contact the La Crosse County UW-Extension Agriculture Educator at 608-795-9593 or email



These materials discuss insurance claims, financial assistance, tax claims for disaster relief, etc., as well as some ideas for a financial disaster toolkit for the future.

Agriculture & Horticulture

Food Safety