Expressive Arts Group Performances

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Event Information


May 15th, 2021


9:00am - 12:00pm

This year we still need to operate with a few restrictions, so Expressive Arts will look a little different this year, and hopefully we can move forward with a little more normalcy next year! So here is how things will go.

The same exhibit guidelines and requirements will stand. For more information on those and how to submit things, visit:

For group exhibits – theatre performances, mini dramas – where participants may include additional households, we will be holding an event on Saturday, May 15, 2021 at the Myrick Park “Stage” which is near Kids Coulee from 9am-Noon. Times may vary based on how many sign up. We will choose 2 groups to go on and participate in a regional competition with Area 13 4-H youth, at Norskadalen on Tuesday June 29, 2021 in the evening.

There will be no submissions in art, marketing, and photography this year as those will largely be submitted at fair.

I’m sure there will be a lot of questions with this – please reach out to me at and we’ll do our best to make sure we think of it all!