Tomato Late Blight

Are you experiencing Late Blight in your Tomatoes? Here are some excellent resources put together by UW-Madison Division of Extension experts.


Garden Toolbox Series – Let’s Get Dirty

Extension La Crosse County is happy to be partnering with La Crosse Area Family YMCA, Western Technical College, and People’s Food Co-op to bring the Garden Toolbox Series to the La Crosse Area! The first session of the Garden Toolbox Series; Let’s Get Dirty (understanding your soil and fertilizer), is on Tuesday, February 25th!

Tomato Seeds

Lawn and Garden Month – In a Minute

In this episode of In A Minute, Heather Quackenboss (Human Development and Relationships Educator) and Kaitlyn Lance (Agriculture Educator) demonstrate how to transplant and care for your tomato plants!


Kids not eating fruit? Try cutting, slicing it

How can I get my grandchildren to eat more fruits and vegetables when they’re visiting? I am lucky that I get to have them over often, but I can’t seem to entice them to eat much produce. You’re not alone. Most children (and teens and adults for that matter) don’t eat enough fruits and vegetables, […]