Eat the Rainbow

Eating the Rainbow…and other Healthy Eating TidBits Heather Quackenboss, Human Development and Relationships Educator Each year, the top resolution tends to be “to eat healthier.” That is a lofty statement and can truly seem like an insurmountable goal, even though we know that eating better will improve our health and wellbeing.   Making small changes that […]


Holiday Shopping Gimmick Awareness

Holiday Shopping Gimmick Awareness by Heather Quackenboss, Human Development and Relationship Educator, Extension La Crosse County For many, December is a month of sales and shopping, and stores compete for your business. There are some classic gimmicks that can still snag consumers and we end up spending more than we had planned or anticipated. Mandy […]


Turkey Safety Tips

Turkey Safety Tips by Heather Quackenboss, Human Development and Relationship Educator, Extension La Crosse County Thanksgiving tends to be a turkey time of year, and each year, we need to remember temperatures, cook times, safe food handling, and even meal math. To assist us, the Butterball Turkey hotline is set for us via phone, website, […]


5 Ways To Encourage Brain Development In Children

Ron Ferguson, an economist at Harvard, has made a career out of studying the achievement gap — the well-documented learning gap that exists between kids of different races and socioeconomic statuses. But even he was surprised to discover that gap visible with “stark differences” by just age 2, meaning “kids aren’t halfway to kindergarten and […]


Guidelines for Consuming Produce Exposed to Floodwater

Safe & Healthy: Preparing and Preserving Food at Home has posted a new item, ‘Guidelines for Consuming Late Season Produce Exposed to Floodwater’ Heavy rains and the flowing waters that result can contaminate plants growing in the garden and create a food safety hazard. As floodwater moves into your garden, it can carry raw sewage overflow, farm […]