Using Corn and Soybean as cover crops on Prevented Planted acres in Wisconsin during 2019

For a crop to be considered a cover crop RMA states that “For crop insurance purposes, a cover crop is a crop generally recognized by agricultural experts as agronomically sound for the area for erosion control or other purposes related to conservation or soil improvement.” Soybean and corn both meet this requirement. However please remember that BMP’s must be followed to meet this requirement. Every producer who  eclares Prevent Planting must get approval from his or her crop insurance agent before any Prevent Planting management plan is implemented.


Rescheduled – Horses For Clean Water Presentation by Alayne Blickle

Extension La Crosse County is bringing Alayne Blickle from Horses for Clean Water to educate local horse owners on the best techniques in the horse keeping industry! Horses for Clean Water is a program developed by horse owners for horse owners. Their mission is to help other horse owners manage their land in the best way possible for horse health and the environment. Alayne will be giving her Simple Solutions presentation.

Waterhemp Picture

2019 Wisconsin Regional Waterhemp Workshops

Has waterhemp become a problematic weed species in your farms or your clients’ operations? Would you like to learn more about the biology and how to manage this troublesome weed species in alfalfa, corn and/or soybeans? If so, please join one of the four “2019 Wisconsin Regional Waterhemp Workshops” to be held by UW-Madison Extension […]


Soybean Nematode Testing

“The WI Soybean Marketing Board (WSMB) sponsors free nematode testing to help producers stay ahead of the most important nematode pest of soybean, the soybean cyst nematode (SCN). Eggs of SCN persist in the soil between soybean crops so a sample can be submitted any time that is convenient. The soil test report indicates the […]


National Agriculture Day

March 20th is National Agriculture Day! According to the Value and Impact of Agriculture Report published in 2014 by the UW-Extension Agriculture Department: Agriculture provides jobs for 3,756 La Crosse County residents. Agriculture accounts for $977 million in economic activity. Agriculture contributes $218 million to the county’s total income. Agriculture pays $11.7 million in taxes. […]


Local Agricultural Needs Assessment

La Crosse County UW-Extension is pleased to introduce our new Agriculture Educator, Kaitlyn Lance! As part of our new team, Kaitlyn is conducting a needs assessment for La Crosse County agriculturalists. Now is your chance to let us know what’s going well, what needs improvement, and what new ag programs you’d like to see come […]