Kaitlyn Lance, La Crosse County UW-Extension’s Agriculture Educator, will be offering face to face YQCA trainings this spring, March 12 and April 16. The trainings will be held at the Bangor High School from 5 p.m. to 6 p.m. YQCA is required for all youth animal exhibitors wishing to participate in the 2019 Wisconsin State Fair. It is only required for Swine exhibitors to participate in the La Crosse Interstate Fair. Pre-registration for this training is required via the YQCA webpage, and w
by Heather Quackenboss, Human Development and Relationships Educator, Extension La Crosse County
According to an AARP survey, more than 70 percent of people over 50 plan to “age in place,” or stay in their homes or communities (2014). Rodney Harrell, director of AARP’s Livable Communities program explains, “Across the country, people are getting older, living longer, and staying in their communities.”
Sometimes, as our parents, spouses, partners, children, and friends get o